Illustration by Kaela MacLaughlinMore than a year into the discovery of COVID-19, a new semester begins after vaccines are widely available to the public. By…
Posts published in “News”
Visual by Charles WilsonAdmissions data from 2015 to 2020 with estimates from 2021 provided by Office of Institutional Research. Incoming class does not include transfer…
By Chase Schomp Staff Writer Clubs are back in session at St. Michael’s College. The Student Government Association (SGA) sponsored a Welcome Back Bash…
By Charles Wilson Multimedia Editor COVID-19 has brought every type of medical professional to the breaking point. Even though COVID-19’s physical health effects are…
By Jacob Perkins Staff Writer A total of 60 Student Government Association (SGA) members met via Zoom on April 20 to vote on a new…
By Ashley DeLeon Executive Editor Tensions between Public Safety and students in mid-April have allegedly dwindled over the past few weeks according to students at…
By Hazel Kieu Staff Writer On Wednesday, April 14, President Sterritt announced that the commencement ceremony for the graduating class of 2021 will be in-person…
How to find a job through the career office By Rob Cattanach Staff Writer Looking for a job can be a rather daunting task. For…
By Sam Heyliger Staff Writer Following the actions of other colleges and universities around the country, St. Michael’s College is requiring students to receive the…
By Ashley DeLeon– Executive Editor The College community gathered at 7 p.m. last Tuesday for a candlelight vigil to commemorate the death of George Floyd.…