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Posts published in October 2021
By Lochlan Sheridan Staff writer lsheridan@mail.smcvt.edu The 2020-2021 academic year’s food service was severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring students to eat with single-use…
Illustration by Kaela MacLaughlinMore than a year into the discovery of COVID-19, a new semester begins after vaccines are widely available to the public. By…
Visual by Charles WilsonAdmissions data from 2015 to 2020 with estimates from 2021 provided by Office of Institutional Research. Incoming class does not include transfer…
By Chase Schomp Staff Writer cschomp@mail.smcvt.edu Clubs are back in session at St. Michael’s College. The Student Government Association (SGA) sponsored a Welcome Back Bash…
By Cassidy Koons Staff Writer ckoons@mail.smcvt.edu The St. Michael’s women’s soccer team played against Pace University in New York City on the 20th anniversary of…
By Kaela MacLaughlin Arts, Culture & Design Editor kmaclaughlin@mail.smcvt.edu Sunlight shines and the indoor lights glow brighter. Stripes of faint color spill over half-taped sheets…
By Alexander Foy Sports & Opinion Editor afoy@mail.smcvt.edu The Fleming Museum of Art at the University of Vermont took steps towards racial diversity and inclusion…
By Sam Heyliger Managing & Visuals Editor sheyliger@mail.smcvt.edu It was a typical Saturday morning for Scott Cheney. Wake up at around 5 a.m., drive the…
By Ashley DeLeon Executive Editor adeleon@mail.smcvt.edu Stanley Valles, 52, takes a nighttime stroll in the Townhouse 100s wearing white Crocs and a Nike sweatshirt. Seconds…