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Will you vote?

By Hannah McKelvey

Executive Editor

Are you one of the 43 percent of eligible voters who did not make it to the polls for the 2016 election? With Super Tuesday just past, and the 2020 Presidential Election quickly approaching registered voters, have a lot to think about when it comes to this upcoming election.

Why should you vote? Professor Jeffrey Ayres of the political science department had answers to three questions that often pop up from reluctant voters

Why should I vote?

Voting is one of the main ways to develop a sense of political efficacy, meaning you feel like it’s worthwhile getting involved. Voting is still an effective way to collectively make a statement on the public desire for change or support on key policies.

How do I get informed?

One way to not be informed is to watch cable news, the best ways are to read a couple of key newspapers, try to attend a candidate campaign, and talk to your friends and family members.”

Does my one vote really matter?

Collectively votes are going to make a really big difference. I’m from Virginia originally, and there was one seat that was separated by one vote. So your vote does matter, especially at the local matter and the state level.

The Defender surveyed the community about the upcoming election. Of the eighty-nine participants responded to the survey, eighty-seven responded that “yes” they will be voting in the upcoming election. Two responded that “no” they will not vote.

Participants explain WHY they will BE voting?

Because I feel oppressed on this campus and in the entire state so it’s the only place I can express my true opinions and beliefs INFORMED voting is essential to our democracy. Even though you’ll never agree with a candidate 100 percent, it’s better to get some of the policies and priorities you find important rather than none of them if you don’t vote. We can’t be passive.

I believe that the more people who vote, the better. The whole point of having a democratic republic in the first place was so our voices could be heard, and it takes some power away from those in charge. I vote because so many others around the world pray every day that they could have a say in who their leaders are.

Apathy is one of the biggest threats to our democracy, and young people especially need to get out and vote. If you want your values represented in government, you have to vote.

Participants explain why they will NOT be voting.

I will be exercising my right to vote by not voting.

Because my father told me so.

When the participants were asked who they would be voting for the results came out as follows:

38 Trump

25 Bernie Sanders
7 Pete Buttigieg
7 Elizabeth Warren
3 Michael Bloomberg 2 Amy Klobuchar
2 Unsure
1 None of the above 1 Currently undecided 1 William Weld
1 Joe Biden

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